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Testimonial – St. Vincent’s Santa Barbara

Thanks to the SBC Food Rescue Program, we are able to serve approximately 50-60 meals a day to homeless individuals who would otherwise not have anything at all to eat. This program is literally keeping our clients and program afloat and we are so grateful.

Jacob Andrade, Vice President, Human Resources and Support Services
St. Vincent’s Santa Barbara

Testimonial – Sarah House

It is hard to find the right words to describe this wonderful thing you are doing, not just for Sarah House, but for so many others that are receiving a meal. I am certain that the giver is just as fulfilled as the receiver, if not perhaps even more. You have found a way to protect those that have always wanted to give, but were concerned with finding themselves in a problem for just doing something good – feeding someone. Thank you for this great service. You are planting some amazing seeds, and touching many more people than you perhaps ever thought you would.

Paloma Espino, Manager
Sarah House

Testimonial – New House II

Hi Julia, I wanted to personally say thank you for introducing me to this food rescue program. About a year ago I received any email from a person concerned about utilizing food better. I thought I would be a good resident/business manager of Santa Barbara and show up to this meeting to help save our food scraps for compost. I was really surprised to see so many large players in Santa Barbara show up to support the food rescue program. I learned soon after how much more goes into saving food, from the store, to a local non-profit, then to compost. Julia has introduced Santa Barbara New House to local businesses looking to donate food helping us in my journey to provide a safe, affordable, nutritious environment for our clients.

Scott E. Huenemeier, House Manager
New House II

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